Amanda - White Mountain Trail Collective

This opportunity to serve with the White Mountain Trail Collective (WMTC) through the LRCC has made this the best summer of my life. Growing up in Midwestern Minnesota I never have done a Conservation service or job besides the area of study for my Bachelors degree in Recreation Management and Leisure Planning Management. I have learned so much with this service and all of it is a blast. We started out with doing level 1 maintenance which was working on water bar reshaping, cutting brush, and clearing blow downs. We’ve gone camping a few times to be closer to some trail heads and that is always an adventure with our crew. We’ve been helping with some other crews projects such as relocating a snowmobile trail, doing rock work, and making a fence to protect rare plants. I’ve been talking about the service a lot and that isn’t even the best part. Being out in nature is my all time favorite of this. I have seen such stunning views. From waterfalls, mountain tops, animals, and down to the beautiful colors the woods gives you. The nice thing about being in the wilderness is all of the rivers and swimming holes. On a hot day we will sometimes take a dip in to cool off. What’s better than being immersed in nature and cooling off after a hard day of service? For a conservationist perspective my brain is frolicking at the thought of it. Choosing where I wanted to go for my internship was a tough decision but I believe I have made the right decision and this is the starting point for what the future holds for me.


Amanda is a student at Minnesota State University Mankato, getting a degree in Recreation, Parks, and Leisure Services. Learn more about Amanda here!