“Experiences like those are attached to every piece of data in that massive sheet. This kind of data collection is time intensive and you get cold and you don’t always get to see the fruits of your labor. And yet… many people over many years have dedicated hundreds of hours to build this dataset.”
Elijah- Squam Lakes Association
Ellie- Green Mountain Conservation Group
Sarah- Green Mountain Conservation Group
Dani- Squam Lakes Association
Nick- Squam Lakes Association
Micaela- Squam Lakes Association
Grace- Squam Lakes Association
“My mom and I lay on our stomachs on the boardwalks at Huntley Meadows, a tiny wetland nature facility located behind a Denny’s and an apartment complex on one of the biggest highways in my hometown, looking for signs of turtles and frogs. I saw and learned and cherished so much while exploring these places.”